Elevator Accident Lawyers San Diego
Exclusively Committed To Injury Recovery
Elevator Accident Attorneys San Diego
Our Attorneys in San Diego Help Victims of Elevator Injury Accidents
Serving Southern California since 1996
You probably never think twice about stepping onto an elevator. However, you risk serious injuries if they malfunction. In fact, 207 people died in elevator accidents from 1992 to 2001. Of these individuals, 61 were passengers and the remaining were either construction workers or elevator service operators. Many more people sustained serious injuries such as amputations, crush injuries, spinal damage and brain trauma.
Sidiropoulos Law Firm, APC was established in 1996 to protect the rights of injury victims. Elevator accidents are often catastrophic and usually preventable. Our lawyers show you and your family compassion and respect while we aggressively pursue maximum compensation from the parts manufacturer, the maintenance company or the property owner responsible for your physical and emotional injuries suffered when the:
➣Elevator car went into a free fall
➣Sensor did not stop the doors from closing on you
➣Doors opened into the elevator shaft
➣Elevator stopped between floors
➣The manufacturer of the elevator may be held responsible if some part of the apparatus failed.
➣Evidence of a history of failure for a specific part in similar elevators may indicate that the manufacturer knew the equipment posed a risk.
Liability for negligent maintenance of the elevator
The service company that was responsible for performing routine inspections of the elevator should be held liable when the equipment malfunctions. Independent inspectors are tasked with conducting a thorough inspection that includes reporting worn parts or anything else that puts people’s safety in jeopardy. In addition, the maintenance crew is supposed to take certain precautions while working on the elevator — such as turning off power and engaging the braking system — and is liable for neglecting these vital safety measures.
Premises liability for elevator accidents
The owner of the building may also be responsible for injuries or deaths that occur in an elevator accident. For example, if the owner or landlord failed to have safety inspections carried out at appropriate intervals or to comply with repair recommendations, the building owner may be considered negligent.
Let our lawyers assist you with recovering damages for your elevator accident
To get help with your elevator accident cause of action, call Sidiropoulos Law Firm, APC at 619-696-7005 or contact us online. Your first consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose by calling our firm. We accept your case on contingency.
Our office is conveniently located at the edge of downtown San Diego near Balboa Park and in close proximity to the civil courthouse. For the convenience of our clients throughout Southern California — including Imperial, Riverside and San Diego counties — we maintain satellite offices in Los Angeles, Imperial County and Vista. Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and you can schedule appointments with our attorneys after hours and on weekends if necessary.